The McRib Farewell Tour
Client: McDonald’s
Role: Art Director
Writer: Lesley Scheuermann
CD: Brandon Henderson & Marques Gartrell

Type Design: Chrome & Lightning
Design: Liam Hamill
Photography: Kristin Gladney

Every year people have come to expect the return of the McRib. But this year, for the first time ever, we’re saying farewell, instead of hello.

Throughout the campaign we reminded people of what they would be missing out on if they didn’t finally try it, and gave hardcore fans their last chance to savor It. On social we tapped into the McRib’s vault by creating an archive sale where we released vintage McRib merch for fans to own a piece of the sandwich’s rich history.

The Farewell Tour

The Farewell Tour
Merch: Archive Sale

The Farewell Tour

The Farewell Tour
Press: The Daily Show

The Farewell Tour
Archive Sale: Social